Kids Agent Advice to Actors ~ Jennifer Boyce interviewed by Joe Lorenzo

Jennifer Boyce has represented children for nearly 30 years. She was an agent at the long running kids agency The Savage Agency for 25 years, and is now the Director of Youth at the prestigious full service talent agency Kazarian Measures Ruskin and Associates.

Joe (Q): What is your current occupation? How long have you been in your current position?


Jennifer (A): I am the Director of Youth here at Kazarian Measures Ruskin and Assoc. I have been here for a year and a half. Before that I was an agent at The Savage Agency for 25 years. So in total I am coming up on 27 years in the business.


Joe (Q): How did you get started?


Jennifer (A): I stared out as a receptionist at The Savage Agency and then worked my way up. That happened pretty fast though. I was promoted about a year after I started there.


Joe (Q): Did you have any mentors or someone guiding you along the way?


Jennifer (A):  Laura Fogelman was a great mentor to me. I had met Laura when I was only 16 before I even knew I wanted to be an Agent. She was always very supportive and always there to help guide me.


Joe (Q): How important is it to study and private coach for auditions?


Jennifer (A): I think it’s extremely important to study and coach with the right people. You want to work with someone who is going to enhance you as an actor so your choices become natural and true to you.


Joe (Q): With all the rejection this business has, what keeps you going for your clients? What advice do you give your clients as they experience rejection?


Jennifer (A): I think kids that are in this business are better off later in life because they have learned to deal with rejection. I have been in this business for 27 years almost and I have seen it all. When the job is yours it’s your job and when it’s not it’s not. All you can do is make sure that you are as prepared as you can be and do your best. Then  walk away from the audition and forget about it. If it’s meant to be it will be yours. There are so many reasons why you may not get a job ie you are too tall, too short, too ethnic, not ethnic enough, you don’t match the family the possibilities are endless. So don’t make yourself crazy. Just do your best! This should be fun and once it’s not fun then it’s time to leave the business.


Joe (Q): What advice were you given when you were starting out that you can remember and share?


Jennifer (A): That we aren’t performing brain surgery and this isn’t life or death just do your best.


Joe (Q): What piece of advice do you have for those just starting out?


Jennifer (A): If this is really a  passion for you then you really need to go for it! This isn’t something that you can do on the side. This is like any other sport or instrument that you play. You need to practice, practice. So do everything you can to improve yourself as an actor.


Joe (Q): Any last word of wisdom or something you would like to leave us with that can help someone starting out or someone struggling to keep going in this business?


Jennifer (A): Have fun! This should be an amazing experience for you and will hopefully carry into whatever it is you end up doing down the line. Of course there are going to be trying times but if it was easy everyone would do it 😊 And once it isn’t fun then get out and do something else for a while. I hope that you will create some great memories!


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